New Public Safety facilities to be built at former Gerdau site alongside retail development

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs City Council unanimously approved a development agreement with OmniTRAX, Inc. Monday evening. Two weeks ago OmniTRAX announced their acquisition of the 146-acre site formerly owned by Sheffield Steel, then by Gerdau Ameristeel. OmniTRAX plans to demolish portions of the Steel Mill and develop the property for industrial and commercial use. In addition to developing a 25-acre retail area, the property will also be the home to the new City of Sand Springs Public Safety facilities. 

Tony Manos, Senior Vice-President of Industrial Development at OmniTRAX, provided a presentation on the project at the City Council meeting. 

OmniTRAX is the owning entity of the Sand Springs Railway, which was acquired in 2014 from Gerdau, and has been leasing portions of the Gerdau property since that time. The company maintains 20 short-line railroads in 9 states and 3 Canadian provinces and works in rail services, terminal services, logistics services, and industrial development. 

"We are a very invested company in our communities," said Manos. "(City-Manager) Elizabeth (Gray)'s team and the two Chiefs (Police Chief Mike Carter and Fire Chief Mike Wood) have been incredible, as well as City Council. This has been the smoothest transition I've ever been a part of in the real estate business."

The Steel Mill is expected to be demolished sometime next year and the new City public safety facilities will be built directly across from WalMart. OmniTRAX is also looking to bring quality jobs to the Sand Springs community, and announced that a new tenant will be moving into a 20,000 sq. ft. facility by April of next year, and will create approximately 50 new jobs for the community.

"We are so proud to bring something back to a site that has been so important to our town throughout its history," said Councilman John Fothergill.  "It really does mean a lot to our city." 

The effort to relocate the current public safety facilities began in 2013 when voters approved a proposition to demolish Fire Station 1, but voted against the corresponding proposition to build a new one. Luckily, there was no timeline for the proposition, and Sand Springs has retained their north side Fire Station. The proposition that failed would have been funded through a property tax increase that could amount to as much as $100 a year for homeowners.

The City gave the project another go in October of last year, when citizens overwhelming voted in favor of extending current sales tax levels. The tax money would be redirected from the previous allocation to a new building for police, fire, and dispatchers. This vote also nixed the decision to demolish Fire Station One, and called for a remodel of the facility to give the Sand Springs Fire Department three stations. 

The City purchased property from the Sand Springs Home in 2014 at the corner of 129th West Avenue and Wekiwa with the intent to build the facilities there, but was met with public concerns that the area was too far outside of town. 

At their last meeting, City Council unanimously approved a contract with Dewberry Architects for design of the new public safety facilities. Their construction will take approximately one year from the completion of the new designs. 

Police impersonator at large

According to City of Sand Springs Chief of Police Mike Carter, a white Chevy Tahoe pulled over a woman in the area of 44th and Spruce on Thursday. After taking the woman's license and registration, the suspect demanded she exit the vehicle and then groped her. The full statement is as follows:

 "Important Message:

The Sand Springs Police Department just received a report of a police impersonator.  It was reported that white Tahoe that pulled a lady over around 44th and Spruce.  This vehicle is described as having a light bar on top of the vehicle as well as a push bar with lights on it.  A white male suspect wearing all dark clothing a displaying some sort of badge made the victim produce her drivers license and insurance.  He then made her get out of her vehicle and groped her.  Officers are taking a report from the victim.  If anyone sees this vehicle or knows who may be responsible for this act, please call SSPD at (918)245-8777 or 911.

If a vehicle attempts to pull you over and you are not sure it is an officer, please dial 911 and continue to drive to a well lighted area such as a convenience store.

Chief Mike Carter" 

March 22nd is officially Frank Cooper Day in Tulsa County, here's how you can celebrate

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Earlier this month, the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County declared today, March 22nd, 2016 to be Frank Cooper Day, in honor of the Charles Page High School social studies and leadership teacher Frank Cooper. 

Cooper has been a public school teacher for the past 23 years, after giving up a promising legal career to instead pursue a more fulfilling path. The proclamation reads what we all know, that "Mr. Cooper promotes core values of kindness, respect, honesty and affirmation so convincingly with students changing the entire culture of Charles Page High School."

Cooper has a long resume of recognition, including the 2016 Oklahoma Medal for Excellence and the University of Tulsa Secondary School Teacher Award for Inspiration. He was a 2014 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalist and was the subject of an American Story segment with Bob Dotson on NBC's Today show.

So how does one celebrate Frank Cooper Day?

Unfortunately there's no parade planned, but there are ways you can celebrate on your own.

Firstly, say the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag. Cooper begins every day by leading his class in the pledge, a practice that is more and more uncommon in schools today.

Then, circle up with your fellow Sandites and sing the Alma Mater. 

Charles Page High forever, and true to her we'll be
for to our Alma Mater we owe our loyalty.
Our love is always with thee
as onward we will go.
Charles Page High forever, may she live eternally.

Then, turn this up full volume, and sing along as loud as you can. Get your whole workplace involved if you can. Sweet Caroline has been an anthem for the Charles Page students for years and is frequently played at sporting events and performed by the band. This arose from Cooper frequently playing it in class with full participation. 


If you're looking to make a Frank Cooper playlist for the day, be sure and include Sugar Hill Gang's "Rapper's Delight," Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice, Baby," Journey's "Don't Stop Believing," and as much Elvis as you can get your hands on.

Finally, spend the duration of the day giving positive affirmation to everyone you encounter, especially to those who you normally wouldn't. Be kind to everyone, strangers included, and make everyone feel welcome and appreciated. If you like, you can email Cooper at and let him know the impact he's made on your life or your student's life. 

The fireworks stand that's changing the world

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

In Tulsa, on West Skelly Drive, sits the TNT Fireworks Supercenter. It is a large indoor facility with gravel parking, air conditioning, heating, and restrooms--a far more comfortable option than the roadside stands and tents that people clamor around in the sweltering July heat and December freeze. 

But it's not just the amenities that make this stand unique, because it's not just a fireworks store. The business is merely a front. In reality, TNT is a ministry. 

None of the workers at TNT get paid. Instead, all of that money goes towards missions. In fact, many of the workers pay to be there. Once the bills are paid and the franchise fees are covered, the rest is pocketed by Future Vision Ministries International.

The ministry was founded in 1999 by long-time Sandites Terry and Linda Scott. The couple had been serving as the youth pastors at Word of Life Church in Sand Springs at the time. Now, Linda is the church Administrator and Terry serves as the church's Associate Pastor.

FVMI operates year-round from their office in downtown Sand Springs, facing the Triangle. 

"Our heart is to train young people and adults to understand how ministry and missions work.  To develop them as leaders, so they can lead others and be planted in ministry and missions around the world.  Our summer program, “Nexus” is one of our primary training opportunities.  We bring in young people from around the world for the summer and train them.  Then they actually go out and do ministry."

Nexus is a paid internship that costs $1400 to join. It may sound like a lot, but that covers your food and lodging, gas, airfare, and other travel/living expenses for nine weeks. In that time, interns will be working at the fireworks store from June through July 5th, working in several churches putting on Vacation Bible School for the children, and many other ministry opportunities. Currently the organization plans on traveling to Guatemala and the Philippines this upcoming summer.

I myself have worked well over a hundred hours per summer at TNT in years' past, though I wasn't able to participate these past two summers. In 2012, the summer after I graduated high school, I was blessed to be able to travel to New Orleans with FVMI. There we were able to help in renovating a school in an impoverished area.

TNT Fireworks Supercenter does more than just sell fireworks. They change lives. They invest in people of all ages across the world and have been helping people realize their dreams of ministry for decades. Ciara Calderon, a former member of Word of Life in Carlsbad, New Mexico, has worked with Future Vision for years and is now the Children's Pastor Intern at Word of Life Sand Springs. 

When you purchase your fireworks from TNT, you're not just getting great deals with a "no dud guarantee," you're guaranteeing that your money will be making a difference in the life of more than just some corporation.

So go swing by TNT Fireworks today and buy yourself some New Year's rockets, roman candles, or sparklers. Whatever you're looking for; if it's legal, they have it. They'll be open till midnight tonight and from 10AM-5PM Friday.

TNT is located at 5401 West Skelly Drive, Tulsa, OK 74107. You can reach them by phone at (918) 445-6174.


Fire reported at CNGC

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Central Ninth Grade Center in downtown Sand Springs was briefly evacuated Wednesday morning due to a fire. Early reports indicate it was a trash can that combusted--possibly due to a lit cigarette. 

The incident was quickly contained by the SSFD and school is currently back in session.