Sand Springs Museum hopes to host world-famous Blue Dog art exhibit

The Sand Springs Cultural and Historical Museum could soon host an internationally-acclaimed series of paintings by George Rodrigue. 

The Sand Springs Cultural and Historical Museum could soon house a world-famous series of paintings by George Rodrigue. Northwoods Fine Arts Academy teacher Jennifer Barretto recently secured permission to display the art, but first she has to find a way to get it here.

Though the George Rodrigue Foundation has agreed to donate the art for a three-month exhibit next winter, it has to be transported, insured, and protected along its journey. Rodrigue's world-famous Blue Dog paintings are valued at no less than $60,000 apiece, meaning the small Sand Springs museum will have to provide both alarm hooks and security guards for the duration of the visit.

Inspired by the Cajun legend of the loup-garou, Rodrigue's Blue Dog series catapulted him to international acclaim when it was used in an advertising campaign by Absolut Vodka in the early 1990s. Rodrigue passed in 2013 after a battle with lung cancer. His funeral services were open to the public and held at the historic St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans.

The loup-garou was a Cajun adaptation of the french rougarou, or werewolf. The creature, who typically has a human body and and canine head, is said to prowl the swamps around New Orleans. In some legends he hunts down Catholics who disobey the rules of Lent. In other tales he punishes misbehaving Cajun children. 

The Blue Dog is more "man's best friend" than occult phenomenon, sharing the stance and shape of Rodrigue's deceased pet, Tiffany. Barretto's class has spent much of the year learning about Rodrigue's work and imitating it with their own Blue Dog-inspired art. 

Barretto believes that the display could draw thousands of visitors to Sand Springs from across the region. In addition to the cultural impact it would have on the community, she believes it will also be a financial stimulus for local shops and restaurants.

The Sand Springs Museum has until August 1st to secure the funding for the exhibit, which would arrive in November. According to Barretto, it would mark the first time that Rodrigue's work has ever been displayed in the State of Oklahoma. Rodrigue's widow, Wendy, and son Jacques will also be on hand to share stories of George.

Sand Springs native actor and musician Sam Harris has gotten involved in the project and has released two promotional videos encouraging people to donate to the cause. Harris has starred on television, film, and even Broadway. 

"Art is more than just something pretty or interesting," says Harris. "It is a personal experience...only bound by the imagination of the artist and the viewer. For kids it's really's a foundation for creativity and for critical thinking, things that will stay with them for the rest of their lives."

A GoFundMe account has been set up by Barretto that has already begun receiving donations. To view the page and make a donation, click here.

Sand Springs Board of Education approves hiring of new baseball coach

Northwoods principal Laura Hamilton is presented with a Coin of Excellence by Board of Education Chairman Rusty Gunn.

The Sand Springs Board of Education met in a regular monthly meeting Monday evening at the Sandite Performing Arts Building. 

Northwoods Fine Arts Academy principal Laura Hamilton was presented with a Coin of Excellence. "Under pressure, this girl is amazing," said Superintendent Sherry Durkee in reference to a high-speed police pursuit and shooting that occurred on school grounds last year. Prior to being promoted to Principal, Hamilton was also the site teacher of the year for the 2012-2013 school year.

The Sand Springs Pilot Club and Sand Springs Women's Chamber were also presented with special recognitions for their contributions to the school district. 

Superintendent Durkee discussed the school partnership with Daybreak for mental health services. "They've been a really healthy partner...we have a councilor in every building." She also talked about Sandites Teaming for Academic Results (STAR). School administrators will hold more frequent meetings with site representatives throughout the year.

According to Assistant Superintendent Kristin Arnold, the district doesn't expect to receive the results from Spring testing till October, while A-F report cards won't be received till March.

The district is working towards having enough chrome books to follow students from grade to grade.

Durkee also discussed the possibility of having a new sound system installed at the Ed Dubie Field House. The court was recently repaired and new LED lights are soon to be installed. "It's our premier 6A facility for three sports," said Durkee.

The Lady Sandite basketball team won a conference title and made the State Semifinals this past season while the wrestling team won both State and Dual State titles. The Boys' Basketball team fell a few games short of a winning season, but is demonstrating consistent growth and improvement under fifth-year head coach Eric Savage. The Volleyball team also had one of their best seasons in school history under Frontier Valley Conference Coach of the Year Janna Green. 

The high school is without full-time security officers on staff for the first time in years and administration doesn't have any immediate plans to hire new officers. According to Durkee, the school has gotten by fine in the past year while the previous officer missed substantial workdays due to health issues. The Sand Springs Police Department will continue to assist with security during sporting events, but for the time being the district will consider the potential cost-savings of eliminating the position for the foreseeable future.

The Board unanimously approved the filling of twenty-two positions, including that of Head Baseball Coach and Assistant Baseball Coach. Former Edmond Memorial Head Coach James Garrison will take over the reigns from retiring coach Bill Hutson. He will be joined by new pitching coach Matt Brown, also from Edmond Memorial.

James was an assistant coach at Union for two State Championship seasons. He spent one year at Edmond Memorial and amassed a 14-19 record. His contract was terminated after the season.

State Releases A-F Report Cards: Sand Springs Schools average B-

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The State Board of Education released the 2016 A-F Report Cards for all public schools in Oklahoma Thursday, and the average Sand Springs Public School received an 80.87%, or a B-. 

"The report cards released today are likely to be the last using the A-F calculations that have been in effect since the 2012-2013 school year. Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and a new state law, House Bill 3218, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is developing a new school accountability calculation to take effect in the 2017-2018 school year," says a press release from the Department of Education. 

“Our sights are fixed on a stronger school accountability system that will be a more meaningful and accurate measure for Oklahoma schools and districts, one that will better provide contextual information that educators, families and communities need to know about our schools, their academic performance, student growth and progress especially for high-need and at-risk student groups,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister said.

"Also at today’s meeting, the SBE approved OSDE’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget request of $2.64 billion for common education, which includes an increase of $221 million over the FY 2017 budget. The increase maintains per-student funding to reflect Oklahoma’s student population growth, adding $56.7 million to the school funding formula and restoring funding for the Instructional Materials, Support of Public School Activities and Agency Support for Schools line items," says the release.

Angus Valley Elementary received the highest grade of 97%, with Central Ninth Grade Center being the only other school to receive an A. Charles Page High School received a C-. The Early Childhood Development Center did not receive a grade. 

Grades are based on three criteria. 50% of the grading is based on Student Performance, with Overall Student Growth and Bottom Growth accounting for 25% each. Student Achievement is based on the Oklahoma School Testing Program assessments in grades three through high school. Student Growth is based on annual student learning gains as measured by Oklahoma's standardized assessments in reading and mathematics in grades three through eight, and Algebra I and English II End of Instruction Exams. 

Angus Valley Elementary

Angus Valley, located at 412 West 55th Street, on the South side of town, received a 97%. Angus serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in all curriculum, including Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In overall growth they received an A in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received an 86% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Social Studies with 88% and the weakest subject was Science with 81%. 

Northwoods Fine Arts Academy and Garfield STEAM Academy

Northwoods, located at 1691 Old North Road, in Northeast Sand Springs, and Garfield, located at 701 North Roosevelt Avenue, just north of downtown, were graded together and received a 71%. Northwoods serves students from Kindergarten through Second Grade, and Garfield serves students from Third through Fifth Grades. This will change in the next school year as both schools separate and adopt a K-5 format. On Student Achievement, the students received a C in Reading, a D in Mathematics, and Fs in Science and Social Studies. In overall growth they received a C in Reading and a D in Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 46% on growth. The schools maintained a 95% attendance rate for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the schools was Reading with 73% and the weakest subject was Science with 42%. 

Limestone Elementary

Limestone, located at 4201 South Walnut Creek Drive, in South Sand Springs, received an 85%. Limestone serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in Reading, Cs in Mathematics, and Social Studies, and a D in Science. Overall Student Growth received an A in Reading and a C in Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 58% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Reading with 86% and the weakest subject was Science with 63%.

Pratt Elementary

Pratt, located at 305 West 35th Street, in South Sand Springs, received an 84%. Pratt serves students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received Bs in Reading and Mathematics, a D in Social Studies, and an F in Science. Overall Student Growth received Bs in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 55% on growth. The school maintained an attendance rate of greater than 95% for an additional 10 points. The strongest subject for the school was Reading at 84% and the weakest subject was Science with 55%.

Clyde Boyde Middle School

Clyde Boyd, located at 305 West 35th Street in South Sand Springs, received a 74%. The school serves students from Sixth through Eighth Grade. On Student Achievement, the students received Cs in Reading and Mathematics, and Fs in Science and Social Studies. Overall Student Growth received Cs in both Reading and Mathematics. The bottom quarter of students received a 50% on growth. The school received 10 bonus points for a 94% attendance rate, a sub-5% dropout rate, and an advanced coursework participation rate greater than 95%. The strongest subject for the school was a tie between Reading and Mathematics at 72%, while the weakest subject was Social Studies at 48%.

Central Ninth Grade Center

CNGC, located at 14 West 4th Street in downtown, received a 94%. On Student Achievement, the students received a B in Mathematics, and did not receive grades on the other subjects due to an insufficient number of students' scores. Overall Student Growth received an A in Mathematics, while the bottom quarter of students received an 80% on growth. The school received 10 bonus points for a 94% attendance rate, a sub-5% dropout rate, and an advanced coursework participation rate greater than 95%. 

Charles Page High School

CPHS, located at 500 North Adams Road, received a 71%. On Student Achievement, the students received a C in English, Ds in Mathematics and U.S. History, and an F in Biology I. Overall Student Growth received a B in English II and an F in Algebra I. The bottom quarter of students received a 60% on growth. The school recorded an 87% for graduation rate, a 65% on EOI performance, a 52% on College Entrance Exams, and a 64% on College Entrance Exam participation. They received 3 bonus points for advanced coursework participation and performance greater than 95% and year-to-year growth. 

Sand Springs City Council members help fund Elementary field trip

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

The Sand Springs City Council considered a request from Councilman Brian Jackson to help fund a field-trip for Sand Springs Elementary students Monday evening at their regular August meeting. The outcome wasn’t what Jackson was hoping for, but it was still a positive result.

Jackson submitted a request that the City add Junior Achievement BizTown to Resolution 16-30, which authorizes the City to make arrangements for funding and participation of City officials in public events that are in the best interest of the City and promotes the goals and objectives of the City.

There are currently nineteen events/expenses that are authorized by the resolution, including Oklahoma Municipal League conferences, National League of Cities conferences, Mayors Council of Oklahoma conferences, The Oklahoma Academy, Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce membership, and Tulsa Metro Chamber membership.

Adding BizTown to the list would allow the City to redirect funding from the Hotel/Motel tax reserve to the Economic Development budget. Had the resolution passed to add BizTown to the list, Council would then consider a request by Jackson that a total sum of $3,625 be given to Sand Springs Public Schools for the purpose of sending 145 students from Northwoods Fine Arts Academy and Garfield STEAM Academy to BizTown in January, 2017.

BizTown opened in Tulsa in March 2003 under the name “Exchange City.” A city within a city, BizTown is a 6,500 square foot facility that houses a miniature “city” ran by fifth grade students. BizTown students spend approximately four weeks preparing for their trip, learning curriculum centered around financial literacy and work readiness. On January 17th and January 20th, students from Garfield and Northwoods respectively would visit the BizTown facility for a total of four hours where they will work jobs, collect a paycheck, and live like adults.

Some of the career-fields available inside BizTown include banking, working for a newspaper, policing, working in the food industry, City Government careers and more.

The BizTown program costs Junior Achievement $50 per student. The schools provide half of that cost and Junior Achievement raises the other half. Local philanthropist Mike Case, of Case and Associates, donated $3,625 to Junior Achievement to help fund the Garfield and Northwoods students, but the schools still have to raise their half of the funds.

While the Council recognized the quality learning environment that BizTown provides, their concern was that it wasn’t the place of the City to use Public funds in such a manner. “I’m not quite sure it’s a city responsibility,” said Councilwoman Patty Dixon. She went on to suggest that local civic groups and businesses should be contacted for help, and that the Council could help in being a voice for the program.

Councilman Jim Spoon was more direct in saying “I can’t see that it’s not a charitable donation.” The resolution specifically states that charitable donations are not allowed to be made with the funds.

“I see it as a partnership opportunity with our public schools that are hurting,” said Jackson. Jackson, who is the Development Manager for Junior Achievement, had also attempted to get BizTown on the resolution when it was initially passed in April. The Council voted to pass the resolution as-is by a vote of 5-2-0 with Jackson and former Councilman Dean Nichols voting against.

Council also pointed out that this money has already been budgeted, and rather tightly. “If we’re going to do something like this, we need to find a better way,” said Councilman Phil Nollan.

Nollan, Burdge, Dixon, and Councilman Beau Wilson each voluntarily committed to sponsoring four kids apiece out of their own pocket. David Charney, President of Capital Homes was also present at the meeting for an unrelated matter and personally pledged to sponsor ten kids.

With twenty-four kids down, Sand Springs schools still needs to find donors for the remaining 119. Citizens wishing to make a donation can send checks to the Board of Education building at 11 West Broadway, Sand Springs, OK 74063. Please note "Garfield/Northwoods JA Biztown" in the memo line.

This week in Sand Springs

Museum Trust Authority Meeting

The Sand Springs Cultural and Historical Museum Trust Authority is scheduled to meet Tuesday, August 16th, at 6:00 p.m. in the museum.

The Board will consider approval of the FY 2017 Budget, naming Ginger Murphy as Museum Director, reallocating space for museum operations, and will discuss the July financials.

Development Authority Meeting

The City of Sand Springs Development Authority is scheduled to meetWednesday, August 17th at 4:00 p.m. in the Sand Springs Municipal Building.

The Board will receive an update on Sand Springs’s development opportunities. No action is expected to be taken during the meeting.

Sand Springs Elementary Meet and Greets

Pratt Elementary is hosting their Meet and Greet event on Thursday, August 18th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The PTO will have a table set up for memberships and new spirit wear will be available for purchase.

Northwoods, Limestone, and Garfield Elementary will hold Meet-n-Greet events Monday, August 22nd, the day before school starts. Northwoods and Garfield will last from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Limestone will last from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

 City Council and Municipal Authority Meetings

The City of Sand Springs City Council is expected to meet Monday, August 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the City Municipal Building. The Municipal Authority meeting will follow immediately after. No agenda has been provided at this time.

Tulsa County Court Clerk Runoff Election

The Tulsa County Republican Party will have a runoff election Tuesday, August 23rd.

Registered Republicans will choose between Donald Newberry and Ron Phillips for their November candidate.

Newberry is a US Air Force veteran with an Associate’s in Business, Bachelor’s in Psychology, and Masters in Business Administration.

Phillips is currently the Special Projects Director for the County Clerk’s Office and holds a business administration degree.

The winner of the runoff will take on Democratic nominee John R. Andrew in November.

Newberry won the June Republican primary with 35% to 33%.

Sand Springs Public School students return to class Tuesday, August 23rd

Meet the Sandites will also be held this day at 6:00 p.m..

Back to School in Sand Springs

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Several community organizations are hosting Back to School events in the coming weeks.

Trinity Baptist Church will be hosting a Back to School Bash from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, August 13th at 13 West 40th St. in Sand Springs. The church will be providing games, food, inflatables, and free haircuts. It is also a gym in the hit game Pokémon Go!

The Sand Springs Ministerial Alliance and Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce are partnering to host a Back to School Bash Sunday, August 14th at the Tulsa Tech campus at 924 East Charles Page Boulevard.

The event will last from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will offer free haircuts and school supplies.

Sand Springs Community Services is hosting a three-day Back to School program in which they will be distributing backpacks, school supplies, and clothing vouchers. The program is only available to Sand Springs, Anderson, and Keystone students with proof of enrollment and proof that the child received free lunches las year.

The event will take place Monday, August 15th through Wednesday, August 17th. SSCS will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. each day, and on Tuesday will reopen from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Angus Valley Elementary is having their Back-to-School Night Monday, August 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet your teacher and the principal, Mrs. Noel. You can also fill out applications for free and reduced lunches, as well as sign up for the Salvation Army’s after school program.

Pratt Elementary is hosting their Meet and Greet event on Thursday, August 18th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The PTO will have a table set up for memberships and new spirit wear will be available for purchase.

Northwoods, Limestone, and Garfield Elementary will hold Meet-n-Greet events Monday, August 22nd, the day before school starts. Northwoods and Garfield will last from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Limestone will last from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Word of Life Church hosts FREE Community Carnival Memorial Day Weekend


By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

This Saturday marks the fourth annual Free Community Carnival at Word of Life Church. The event has previously taken place at the end of summer, but was bumped up to Memorial Day weekend after the church changed to a new carnival company.  

The event will take place on Saturday, May 28, 2016 from 11:00 am through 2:00 pm.

Why the change? The ride company that the church was previously using is going through a transition and was unable to ensure their availability. Instead of putting the beloved community event on hiatus for a year, the church managed to locate an Oklahoma City based company that only had the one day available. Instead of looking at the change as an inconvenience, the church is counting it as a blessing and an opportunity to improve the experience for everyone.


"We feel Memorial Day weekend is a great time to do it since it's the first holiday of summer. Many families are looking for something to do, so why not a free carnival!" said Senior Pastor Chad Stewart. The temperature difference will also be a big improvement. The carnival volunteers have often had to work in 90+ degree temperatures in August, so the move to May will make it far more enjoyable both for the workers and the guests.

The current forecast shows a 50% chance of rain Saturday morning that should taper off by the time the carnival begins. The potential rain should keep the temperature below 80 till after the event is over. 


This year the carnival will have seven rides:  3-4 large rides and 3-4 smaller rides for the little kids, in addition to games, inflatables, and other activities. As always, the church will be offering free hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, and lemonade. There will also be food and game trucks associated with the ride company, Sam's Amusements & Carnivals. These additional options won't be free, but will provide an even more authentic carnival feel than in previous years. Sandlot Sno-Balls will be providing free shaved ice during the event.

Like last year, parking will be located at the old K-Mart building on Charles Page Boulevard, as well as Northwoods Fine Arts Academy, and free shuttling will be provided.

On Sunday morning the church will be giving away $5,000 to bless guests at their 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. Each service will have five winners of $500 each.