Professional Disc Golfers host free clinic for Sand Springs kids

Charles Page Library hosted a free disc golf clinic Wednesday morning in Sand Springs. Librarian Richard Why and wife Tara hosted the event; both are teammates for FOSSA Disc Golf and play professional tournaments across the central United States.

The Whys have hosted the event annually for several years. The clinic started with a lecture on the fundamentals of the sport with information on local courses and stores.

The Oklahoma Disc Golf Foundation donated free discs to the event. The organization also helps cover tournament fees and travel costs for golfers under the age of 18. Fossa donated hats and mini-markers.

Following the presentation, the golfers moved outside to work on form and learn the different types of driving.

Sand Springs recently installed a new 18-hole disc golf course in Case Community Park near the BMX track and rodeo arena. 

Tulsa County Library Summer Reading Program encourages reading at all ages

By: Virgil Noah, Marketing Director

The Tulsa City-County Library Summer Reading Program is officially underway, and this year they're offering programs for the entire family to participate in. In addition, having a library card is not required to participate in this year's programs.

The Children's Summer Reading Program is available for newborns up to children who have completed fourth grade. To sign up, simply go to any of the 24 TCCL locations and visit the Summer Reading Program table.

When signing up, children will receive a reading log, their first library visit sticker, event guide for the summer, and a free bookmark and bag. If they read, listen to, or have parents read eight books to them as well as visiting the library four times, kids will receive a medal and book of coupons for free food and entertainment. The book of coupons includes coupons for admission to the Oklahoma Aquarium, Tulsa Zoo, Tulsa Drillers game, and more! If they read twenty books and visit four times they will earn a bonus prize, an inflatable baseball bat!

After completing the program children can enter into grand prize drawings to win a bicycle, Tulsa Roughnecks FC tickets, and more. Entering the grand prize drawing at Charles Page Public Library or Pratt Public Library, conveniently located on opposite sides of Sand Springs, will result in a better chance of winning a grand prize. Each year the Sand Springs Women's Chamber donates the money for each library to purchase a bike to give away. The only way to win is the enter the drawing at Charles Page or Pratt Library. 

To sign up for the Teen and Tween Summer Reading Program you must have completed the fifth grade. Reading or listening to 6 books results in completion of the program and earns teens an ID wallet and earbuds, plus coupons for free food and entertainment. 

Charles Page Branch Manager Mark Carlson has his own reading challenge that he extends to the children and teens that filter through his library throughout the summer. If they read 100 books, they will receive a certificate recognizing their completion of his challenge and a giant Hershey's chocolate bar.  

This year is the first time the SRP features a program for adults. Adults can sign up at any of the 24 TCCL locations or at For reading or listening to 4 books, those who register will receive coupons for free food and a cool messenger bag in one of five colors. 

The Summer Reading Programs will run through August 6th, with June 20th being the first day that you can submit completed reading logs to receive prizes. 

Charles Page Public Library
551 E 4th St, Sand Springs, OK 74063
(918) 549-7521

Pratt Public Library  
3219 S 113th W Ave  
Sand Springs, OK 74063
(918) 549-7638