Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce hires Amanda Wion as President

The Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce recently announced the hiring of Amanda Wion as its new President. The post had been vacant since Kyle Smith resigned after an 11 month tenure in April.

Wion grew up in Henryetta, Oklahoma where she was involved with her local church, community organizations, and school groups and activities. This is also where she met her husband, Cassidy, of three years.

After high school, she attended the University of Oklahoma where she graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Relations with a minor in Nonprofit Organizational Studies. During her time at OU, Amanda worked with local nonprofit agencies such as Meals on Wheels, HopeHouse, and ReMerge, along with many community service opportunities around the Norman area. Once graduated, she began her career with Girl Scouts in the customer service area, but quickly moved into the areas of recruiting, membership, and volunteer and community relations.

Amanda is pursuing her Master of Business Administration degree from Northeastern State University and will complete it within the next year. Although she may not have grown up in Sand Springs, Amanda considers this her “second home,” as she has close family members who are teachers in the district, were house parents at the Sand Springs Home, and she has visited the area her whole life for family events and get-togethers. 

When not working Amanda enjoys trying new recipes with her husband, going camping, traveling with friends and family, and loving on her two sweet pups! Amanda and her husband are both very excited to be a part of this vibrant and growing community and are looking forward to putting roots down and becoming more involved and connected to Sand Springs as she steps into this role.