Phil Nollan sworn into City Council

By: Scott Emigh, Editor-in-Chief

Phil Nollan was sworn into office at the Sand Springs City Council meeting Monday evening. Nollan has been a member of the Parks Advisory Board for five years and defeated incumbent councilman Michael Phillips in the Super Tuesday March 2nd election.

Nollan is a nationally certified Project Management professional and Oklahoma State University graduate. He holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from OSU and an executive master of business administration certificate from the University of Tulsa. 

Nollan's wife, Jadine Nollan, is currently serving District 66 in the House of Representatives. 

In other news, the Council unanimously approved Resolution No. 16-39, a resolution to request Programming of Tulsa Urbanized Area Transportation Funds for the South Highway 97 Connector Trail/Side Path Project. Infrastructure Planning Administrator Vernon Smith presented the proposal, which Vice-Mayor John Fothergill recognized as "the last link in the chain" to connect the current Sand Springs trail system to the new Highway 97 pedestrian crossing.

Outgoing Superintendent Lloyd Snow, who is currently challenging incumbent State Senator Dan Newberry, was recognized with a proclamation by Mayor Mike Burdge for his many accomplishments and lifetime dedication to the people of Oklahoma, especially in the field of education.

The John M. Hess Outstanding Citizenship Award was presented to Mary Sue Overbey by Mayor Burdge, who recognized her as one of the most distinguished and deserving recipients in the history of the award. 

Mayor Burdge was nominated to continue serving as Mayor for a concurrent one-year term and elected by a 5-1 vote with Councilman Brian Jackson ​being the lone naysayer. 

Councilman Jackson nominated Councilman Beau Wilson for the position of Vice-Mayor, who respectfully declined the nomination. Mayor Burdge nominated current Vice-Mayor Fothergill, who was elected 5-1, with the lone nay coming from Councilman Jackson. ​

Councilman Jackson is also currently ​running against Superintendent Snow for Senator Newberry's position.