State Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman loses re-election bid to Republican Cody Rogers

State Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman was defeated by Republican challenger Cody Rogers in the Tuesday election for District 37. Rogers received 67% of the 33,737 votes cast.

Rogers billed himself as a conservative businessman and political outsider in the spirit of President Donald Trump throughout his campaign. According to his website, Rogers is the owner of a pavement construction company, and he is a proponent of reeling in excessive government regulations in order to stimulate private sector job growth.

He also vows to vote against any proposed regulations that prohibit or seek to limit gun ownership. He wants to make Oklahoma a top-ten state for education by investing in both K-12 and trade schools. He aims to lower prescription drug costs, and he opposes sanctuary cities.

Ikley-Freeman won her seat in a 2017 special election against former Jenks City Councilman Brian O’Hara with 50.3% of the vote, and has served the final two years of Dan Newberry’s unexpired term. That election had low turnout of less than 8,000 voters.