Sand Springs Police Chief issues statement on death of George Floyd
/Mike Carter, the Chief of Police for the Sand Springs Police Department, issued the following statement Saturday following nationwide outrage regarding the death of George Floyd.
“Today, I received an email from a concerned citizen who expressed the opinion that our agency should reassure our community that we condemn the actions of "unjust, racist or excessively brutal officers". We normally do not comment on cases from other agencies, but given the climate in our country today, I think that it is a reasonable request.”
“Therefore, let me state that we mourn the loss of Mr. George Floyd, condemn the manner in which he lost his life and with unqualified language will state that Black Lives Matter.”
“This is not a unique position for our agency. In 2015, we read the Department of Justice report on Ferguson MO. We did a self-audit to make sure that we were not policing Sand Springs in ways that were found to diminish our relationship with our community. We then wrote our first Policing Plan in 2016 and have continued this ever since. In 2018, Sand Springs Police Department accepted on behalf of our citizens the Leadership in Community Policing Award from the International Association of Chiefs of Police.”
“This year, with the help of our community, we will write our fifth version of the plan and it will be taken before our City Council for ratification. We will soon be announcing how you may participate in setting goals for the 2020 Policing Plan while keeping social distancing practices due to COVID-19.”
”This facebook post is not able to contain all of the information contained in our Policing Plan. In the first comment, you will find a link to our web page that will let you read our current and past policing plans.”
“While we cannot help what is happening in other parts of our country, the SSPD, our City Council and our citizens can come together and make sure that our community is a place that is safe for all that may want to work, live and play here.”
Sand SpRings police chief mike carter speaks at a 2017 City Council meeting.