Chamber President Kristen Cepak says farewell to Sand Springs

Kristen Cepak receives a Mayoral Proclamation from Sand Springs Mayor Jim Spoon at the February City Council meeting, recognizing her contributions to the community.

Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce President Kristen Cepak submitted the following letter to Sandite Pride. She is moving back to Texas soon to take care of her parents.

“Dear Chamber Partners and Community Members,

Thanks to each of you for your partnership and friendship during my time with the Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce. This has been a time of growth and discovery for this community. I have never known a community that comes together in the face of adversity as Sand Springs does.

While in Sand Springs, I have encountered love, encouragement, and support. The friendships I have made will strengthen me as I move forward to help my parents with their health issues.

‘There are only two ways to establish a competitive advantage; do things better or do them differently’ — Karl Albrecht.

The Chamber Board of Directors and I wanted to change the perception of the Chamber within the community. Therefore, we worked together to bring new programs to the members and new events to the community. We now have lovely lights on the buildings downtown at Christmas time and beautiful new life-size ornaments where families may pose for holiday photos. We also have new programs that will help our Chamber partners grow within their businesses.

My heart is full of love for Sand Springs and this amazing community. Please take care of each other during this difficult time in our history and know that I will always think of Sand Springs as my second home…always.

Kristen Cepak
President of Sand Springs Chamber of Commerce”