Church That Matters holds Be The Church Sunday, helps out around Sand Springs
/Church That Matters cleared a large section of overgrowth at the Case Community Park boat ramp in preparation for the Great Raft Race.
Church That Matters decided to “be The Church” this Sunday instead of having church. Forgoing their regular morning service, around 200 volunteers spread out across the Sand Springs mission field to make an impact in the lives of their fellow Sandites.
Church crews spent part of the morning at DaySpring Villa, a shelter for victims of sex trafficking and domestic abuse, painting, cleaning, weeding, landscaping, and holding a worship encounter for the residents.
Church That Matters has a big focus on house churches and holding small weekly get togethers in a more personal setting. One of those house churches, located on Nassau Avenue in Tulsa, held a free block party on Nassau Ave to share the gospel and make their neighbors feel welcome. Another group held a cookout and mini Vacation Bible School session at Shannon Valley Mobile Home Park.
Case Community Park is preparing for the annual Great Raft Race, set to launch on Labor Day morning. Church crews prepped the boat ramp area for both participants and viewers, improving the beach and clearing overgrowth.
At Sand Springs Care Closet workers helped sort through clothing and other donations. They also did landscaping and gardening at Clyde Boyd Middle School, where the church got its start. After meeting for several years in the middle school auditorium, the church gave back by cleaning up the grounds before the new school year starts.
Crews handed out free quarters and detergent at the Prattville Laundromat and helped wash cars and paid for cleaning at Bubbletown Car Wash.
One group helped a client of Sand Springs Community Services by building her home a wheelchair ramp.
Finally, a large group will be volunteering at the annual Sand Springs Ministerial Alliance Back 2 School Bash at Tulsa Tech’s Sand Springs Campus from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. In addition to fun activities like inflatables and food, there will also be free backpacks, school supplies, haircuts, dental checkups, and flu shots. Tulsa Tech is located at 924 East Charles Page Boulevard.
Church That Matters meets Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. at 3 West 41st Street. For more information visit