To the people of Sand Springs, from City Council candidate Nancy Riley

Dear Voters of Ward 4:

I ask for your vote on Tuesday for City Council in Ward 4.

As a 30 year resident of Sand Springs, I have a true respect for our history and culture of service.  Our city was founded by Charles Page on the ideal of serving others. I have served the residents of Sand Springs in many ways: public service, social service clubs and government boards. I appreciate the spirit of service.

However, with 30 years of residency, I have also watched other cities grow and prosper in ways Sand Springs had not. It is my desire to work with our city in its development to benefit its citizens. We have several unique opportunities ahead due to diligent service of numerous Sandites that I want to be part of. It is my aim to look for ways to expand this growth through cooperation of Federal, State and County governments, without increasing the financial burdens to Sand Springs.

I ask for your vote on Tuesday as we "Honor our past and press toward the future."

Nancy Riley
Nancy Riley for City Council