Statement from Senate Education Chair John Ford


“Several bills dealing with school district mergers, annexations, and consolidations have been introduced this session in the Senate.  These measures take a thoughtful and pragmatic approach to streamline administrative costs to save money and improve the quality of education offered to students.  At the heart of it, the members who have worked on these bills share the goal of ensuring we’re doing the best we can to focus resources in the classroom, where they most directly benefit Oklahoma children.

“As Education Chairman, I’m grateful to the parents, teachers and school patrons who’ve taken the time to share their views and concerns with me, and with their own senators.  I’ve also had many conversations with members as well. I believe more discussion and an exchange of ideas are needed.

“Oklahomans have a vested interest in improving the quality of education offered to our children and grandchildren and in ensuring our schools are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible. With this consideration, I have decided against hearing any of these bills, including one that I have authored, in the Senate Education Committee this session.”—Sen. John Ford, Education Chairman.