Sand Springs Holiness Churches
The church is an integral part of life in Sand Springs, even for the irreligious. Sand Springs Holiness churches provide much-needed resources for those in need, but they also serve their community in less traditional ways.
Several Holiness churches belong to the Sand Springs Local Church Network, which hosts free events throughout the year, including Boo On Broadway, the Kids Fishing Derby, back-to-school bashes, carnivals, and more.
Sand Springs Holiness churches are also notorious for local services missions like painting schools, cleaning up the yards of the disabled, assisting with City projects, and any other volunteer opportunities they can find.
Holiness Churches in Sand Springs
The Holiness movement emerged in the nineteenth century out of Evangelical Methodism. It is Wesleyan-Arminian in theology and emphasizes John Wesley’s doctrine of a second work of grace leading to Christian Perfection.
Sand Springs has four churches adhering to Holiness doctrine.
amazing grace holiness church
807 west 2nd street north
first church of the nazarene
516 north cleveland avenue west
free holiness church
803 katy street
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