Sand Springs Team #6 | Jerret Haley & Corbin Williams

2017-2018 OBN High School Trail

5.5.2018 Lake Texoma - 46th of 116 - 2 fish - 3.91 lbs
5.6.2018 Lake Texoma - 22nd of 116 - 3 fish - 6.73 lbs

2016-2017 Oklahoma Bass Nation High School Trail - 43rd of 136 - 205 points

4.8.2017 Lake Eufala - 21st of 108 - 3 fish - 7.66 lbs
6.3.2017 Lake Eufala - 51st of 89 - 1 fish - 2.27 lbs
6.4.2017 Lake Eufala -36th of 87 - 2 fish - 5.12 lbs

5.21.2017 Oklahoma Bass Nation High School State Championship - Lake Texoma - 39th of 94 - 2 fish - 5.16 lbs