OSSAA 6A Girls Basketball Week 14 Rankings

The final OSSAA rankings were released on February 10th, but we will continue to update each week with records, conference standings, offensive/defensive standings, and playoff results.

Class 6A Rankings (First Place Votes) - Record.
1. Norman (18), 24-1.
2. Deer Creek (5), 22-4.
3. Booker T. Washington (1), 22-5.
4. Choctaw (2), 24-2.
5. Moore, 21-5.
6. Union (1), 21-5.
7. Sapulpa, 23-4.
8. Edmond North, 19-8.
9. Norman North, 17-9.
10. Bixby, 16-10.
11. Sand Springs, 15-8.
12. Midwest City, 17-9.
13. Putnam City West, 17-8.
14. Edmond Santa Fe, 11-13.
15. Ponca City, 21-7.
16. Edmond Memorial, 13-11.
17. Putnam City North, 12-10.
18. Mustang, 13-14.
19. Jenks, 10-13.
20. Westmoore, 13-13.

Conference Strength
54.0 Central Oklahoma
48.0 Frontier Valley
40.6 Big Ten
14.8 All-City

Conference 6A Playoff Records
16-12 Central Oklahoma
10-12 Frontier Valley
7-8 Big Ten
0-2 All-City

Top Offenses
(Avg. Points Scored)

63.9 Norman
63.8 Moore
62.7 Deer Creek
61.7 Choctaw
59.9 Sapulpa
59.6 Booker T. Washington
57.8 Sand Springs
57.0 Broken Arrow
56.7 Edmond North
56.6 Ponca City
54.6 Jenks
53.5 Edmond Santa Fe
52.8 Bixby
52.2 Putnam North
51.9 Putnam West
51.7 Midwest City
51.0 Mustang
49.6 Edmond Memorial
49.5 Union
49.3 Westmoore
48.7 Northwest Classen
48.7 Putnam City
47.0 Norman North
45.8 Yukon
45.2 Bartlesville
44.8 Muskogee
39.6 Owasso
39.2 Enid
39.0 Stillwater
36.9 Lawton
33.6 Southmoore
18.3 U.S. Grant

Top Defenses
(Avg. Points Allowed)
37.5 Choctaw
39.3 Norman North
39.8 Union
42.8 Bixby
42.9 Ponca City
43.6 Midwest City
43.8 Edmond North
44.3 Sapulpa
45.2 Putnam West
45.3 Edmond Memorial
45.9 Norman
46.0 Westmoore
46.6 Putnam North
46.9 Moore
47.1 Mustang
47.9 Booker T. Washington
47.9 Yukon
49.2 Stillwater
50.7 Putnam City
50.7 Sand Springs
51.2 Northwest Classen
51.4 Deer Creek
52.5 Owasso
52.6 Jenks
53.2 Bartlesville
54.2 U.S. Grant
55.0 Edmond Santa Fe
56.4 Muskogee
57.7 Southmoore
58.9 Enid
60.7 Broken Arrow
65.3 Lawton

Avg. Point Differential
24.2 Choctaw
18.0 Norman
16.9 Moore
15.6 Sapulpa
13.7 Ponca City
12.9 Edmond North
11.7 Booker T. Washington
11.2 Deer Creek
10.0 Bixby
9.7 Union
8.0 Midwest City
7.7 Norman North
7.1 Sand Springs
6.7 Putnam West
5.6 Putnam North
4.3 Edmond Memorial
3.9 Mustang
3.2 Westmoore
2.0 Jenks
-1.5 Edmond Santa Fe
-2.0 Putnam City
-2.1 Yukon
-2.5 Northwest Classen
-3.8 Broken Arrow
-8.0 Bartlesville
-10.1 Stillwter
-11.6 Muskogee
-12.8 Owasso
-19.7 Enid
-24.0 Southmoore
-28.4 Lawton
-35.9 U.S. Grant

Final Conference Standings

7-2 Southeast
5-0 Classen SAS
5-3 Star Spencer
5-4 John Marshall
4-3 Northwest Classen
2-5 Capitol Hill
1-5 U.S. Grant
0-7 Douglass

Big Ten
12-0 Choctaw
7-2 Midwest City
7-3 Putnam West
6-4 Putnam North
4-5 Eisenhower
3-8 Putnam City
1-9 Enid
0-9 Lawton

Central Oklahoma
13-1 Norman
12-2 Deer Creek
11-3 Moore
10-4 Edmond North
10-4 Norman North
7-7 Edmond Memorial
6-8 Mustang
5-8 Edmond Santa Fe
5-9 Westmoore
3-11 Stillwater
2-12 Yukon
0-14 Southmoore

Frontier Valley
13-1 Sapulpa
12-2 Booker T. Washington
11-3 Union
9-5 Bixby
8-6 Sand Springs
5-9 Jenks
5-9 Broken Arrow
4-10 Owasso
2-12 Bartlesville
1-12 Muskogee

Regional Results


Region 1
Norman 79-32 Enid
Ponca City 61-59 Jenks
Norman 58-31 Ponca City

Region 2
Bixby 47-21 Bartlesville
Sapulpa 53-20 Stillwater
Sapulpa 64-37 Bixby

Region 3
Union 40-29 Muskogee
Broken Arrow 86-81 Sand Springs
Union 74-62 Broken Arrow

Region 4
Mustang 49-34 Putnam North
Booker T. Washington 40-29 Owasso
Booker T. Washington 60-35 Mustang


Region 1
Deer Creek 58-21 U.S. Grant
Putnam West 54-40 Edmond Memorial
Deer Creek 74-52 Putnam West

Region 2
Norman North 50-34 Putnam City
Edmond North 82-38 Northwest Classen
Edmond North 42-36 Norman North

Region 3
Choctaw 70-11 Lawton
Westmoore 59-47 Edmond Santa Fe
Choctaw 58-36 Westmoore

Region 4
Midwest 48-45 Yukon
Moore 76-45 Southmoore
Moore 71-48 Midwest City

Area Results


Area Championships
Norman 61-42 Sapulpa
Union 52-43 Booker T. Washington

Area Consolations
Mustang 69-38 Broken Arrow
Sapulpa 66-57 Mustang

Ponca City 58-54 Bixby
Ponca City 68-64 Booker T. Washington


Area Championships
Deer Creek 73-64 Edmond North
Moore 72-46 Choctaw

Area Consolations
Midwest City 57-42 Westmoore
Edmond North 70-42 Midwest City

Putnam West 42-36 Norman North
Choctaw 60-53 Putnam West

State Tournament Assignments

All three sessions will be played at the Oral Roberts University Mabee Center at 7777 South Lewis Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74171.

2:00 p.m. Union vs. Choctaw.
3:30 p.m. Moore vs. Sapulpa.
7:00 p.m. Deer Creek vs. Ponca City.
8:30 p.m. Norman vs. Edmond North.

12:00 p.m. (Union / Choctaw) vs. (Deer Creek / Ponca City).
4:30 p.m. (Norman / Edmond North) vs. (Moore / Sapulpa).

12:00 p.m. Championship Finals.

OSSAA 6A Boys Basketball Week 14 Rankings, State Tournament Assignments

The final OSSAA rankings were released on February 10th, but we will continue to update each week with records, conference standings, offensive/defensive standings, and playoff results.

Class 6A Rankings (First Place Votes) - Record.
1. Booker T. Washington (10), 20-5.
2. Southmoore (9), 22-4.
3. Jenks (3), 21-5.
4. Lawton (7), 21-5.
5. Midwest City, 22-3.
6. Edmond Memorial (1), 22-4.
7. Edmond North, 20-7.
8. Union, 21-5.
9. Sand Springs, 19-7.
10. Norman North, 17-7.
11. Broken Arrow, 19-8.
12. Putnam City West, 16-11.
13. Putnam City North, 15-10.
14. Edmond Santa Fe, 13-13.
15. Putnam City, 12-12.
16. Choctaw, 13-11.
17. Northwest Classen, 15-11.
18. Owasso, 13-14.
19. Yukon, 14-12.
20. Deer Creek, 9-15.
20. Mustang, 9-15.

Conference Strength
52.3 Big Ten
51.6 Frontier Valley
41.0 Central Oklahoma
24.4 All-City

Conference 6A Post-Season Records
16-10 Frontier Valley
9-8 Big Ten
10-14 Central Oklahoma
1-3 All-City

Top Offenses
(Avg. Points Scored)

74.9 Midwest City
71.8 Booker T. Washington
68.5 Southmoore
67.3 Choctaw
66.6 Union
65.3 Edmond Memorial
64.9 Putnam West
63.7 Lawton
62.5 Sapulpa
62.0 Putnam North
61.7 Sand Springs
61.5 Bixby
61.4 Edmond North
61.1 Mustang
61.0 Yukon
60.9 Broken Arrow
60.3 Jenks
59.7 Putnam City
59.3 Northwest Classen
57.8 Norman North
57.0 Ponca City
56.8 Muskogee
56.4 Norman
55.5 Enid
54.7 Owasso
53.5 Westmoore
52.1 Moore
49.7 Stillwater
49.5 Edmond Santa Fe
48.3 Deer Creek
47.1 U.S. Grant
39.7 Bartlesville

Top Defenses
(Avg. Points Allowed)

46.1 Edmond Santa Fe
46.9 Jenks
47.2 Edmond Memorial
51.1 Southmoore
52.0 Deer Creek
53.2 Sand Springs
53.2 Edmond North
53.3 Putnam North
53.5 Owasso
53.6 Broken Arrow
54.5 Moore
54.6 Lawton
56.7 Union
56.7 Northwest Classen
57.5 Norman North
57.7 Norman
57.8 Booker T. Washington
58.2 Midwest City
59.2 Enid
59.4 Putnam West
59.6 Choctaw
59.8 Putnam City
60.0 Bartlesville
60.5 Ponca City
60.8 Mustang
61.5 Muskogee
62.5 Yukon
62.9 U.S. Grant
63.7 Stillwater
63.8 Westmoore
66.3 Sapulpa
69.4 Bixby

Avg. Point Differential
18.1 Edmond Memorial
17.5 Southmoore
16.7 Midwest City
14.1 Booker T. Washington
13.3 Jenks
10.0 Union
9.0 Lawton
8.7 Putnam North
8.4 Sand Springs
8.3 Edmond North
7.7 Choctaw
7.3 Broken Arrow
5.5 Putnam West
3.4 Edmond Santa Fe
2.5 Northwest Classen
1.3 Owasso
0.4 Mustang
0.3 Norman North
-0.1 Putnam City
-1.2 Norman
-1.6 Yukon
-2.3 Moore
-3.5 Ponca City
-3.7 Enid
-3.7 Deer Creek
-3.8 Sapulpa
-4.7 Muskogee
-7.9 Bixby
-10.3 Westmoore
-14.0 Stillwater
-15.8 U.S. Grant
-20.3 Bartlesville

Final Conference Standings

8-1 John Marshall
8-1 Star Spencer
6-2 Classen SAS
5-2 Northwest Classen
3-5 Douglass
2-7 Southeast
1-7 U.S. Grant
1-9 Capitol Hill

Big Ten
8-1 Midwest City
8-2 Putnam West
7-2 Lawton
6-5 Putnam City
5-5 Putnam North
5-7 Choctaw
1-9 Enid
0-9 Eisenhower

Central Oklahoma
13-1 Southmoore
11-3 Edmond Memorial
11-3 Edmond North
10-4 Norman North
8-6 Edmond Santa Fe
8-7 Norman
6-8 Deer Creek
6-8 Yukon
4-10 Mustang
3-11 Moore
2-12 Stillwater
2-12 Westmoore

Frontier Valley
13-1 Booker T. Washington
11-3 Union
10-4 Jenks
9-5 Broken Arrow
8-6 Sand Springs
7-7 Owasso
6-8 Muskogee
4-10 Sapulpa
2-12 Bixby
0-14 Bartlesville

Regional Results


Region 1
Booker T. Washington 84-40 Bartlesville
Yukon 60-55 Sapulpa
Booker T. Washington 97-72 Yukon

Region 2
Broken Arrow 88-68 Bixby
Sand Springs 61-52 Enid
Sand Springs 59-51 Broken Arrow

Region 3
Union 74-52 Stillwater
Putnam North 77-46 Muskogee
Union 62-58 Putnam North

Region 4
Owasso 57-47 Mustang
Jenks 66-45 Ponca City
Jenks 53-51 Owasso


Region 1
Lawton 58-55 Westmoore
Edmond Santa Fe 68-50 Choctaw
Lawton 60-56 Edmond Santa Fe

Region 2
Edmond North 60-58 Deer Creek
Edmond Memorial 72-49 Norman
Edmond Memorial 57-42 Edmond North

Region 3
Midwest City 77-69 Moore
Northwest Classen 59-55 Norman North
Midwest City 100-49 Northwest Classen

Region 4
Putnam City West 63-42 Putnam City
Southmoore 92-46 U.S. Grant
Putnam City West 70-62 Southmoore

Area Results


Area Championships
Booker T. Washington 66-60 Sand Springs
Union 66-64 Jenks

Area Consolations
Owasso 39-37 Putnam North
Sand Springs 64-50 Owasso

Broken Arrow 71-56 Yukon
Jenks 56-46 Broken Arrow


Area Championships
Edmond Memorial 42-29 Lawton
Midwest City 85-83 Putnam West

Area Consolations
Southmoore 59-43 Northwest Classen
Southmoore 47-32 Lawton

Edmond North 49-44 Edmond Santa Fe
Putnam West 64-61 Edmond North

State Tournament Assignments

Tulsa Memorial High School Veterans Arena
5840 South Hudson Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74135

2:00 p.m. Edmond Memorial vs. Jenks.
3:30 p.m. Booker T. Washington vs. Putnam West.
7:00 p.m. Union vs. Southmoore.
8:30 p.m. Midwest City vs. Sand Springs.

Oral Roberts University Mabee Center
7777 South Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74171

10:30 a.m. (Booker T. Washington / Putnam City West) vs. (Edmond Memorial / Jenks).
9:00 p.m. (Union / Southmoore) vs. (Midwest City vs. Sand Springs).

Oral Roberts University Mabee Center
7777 South Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74171

7:45 p.m. State Championship Finals.

CPHS Basketball: Girls season rewind, final stats

The Charles Page High School girls’ basketball team made the most of a rebuilding year, going 15-8 overall and 8-6 for fifth place in Frontier Valley Conference action. They won the Bishop Kelley Invitational and were runners-up at the Enid Holiday Classic, but saw their post-season cut short with a first round Regional knockout.

The Sandites had a lot of new faces on the court after graduating four starters, all of which went on to play collegiate sports, three at the NCAA Division 1 level. They also got a new head coach in former Muskogee boys’ leader Josh Berry, and two new assistant coaches in Jordan Evans and Terence Buckley.

This year’s team was junior heavy with only three seniors and a mess of talented underclassmen. They will lose Madison Burris, Jade Shrum, and McKenzie Harris, but will return three starters in Journey Armstead, Raegan Padilla, and Hailey Jackson.

Armstead, a sophomore East Central move-in, was the MVP of the season, accounting for 32% of the team’s points. She averaged 18.6 points per game and was the only Lady Sandite to average in double digits. Her remarkable average ranks her ahead of NCAA division 1 athletes like Sydney Pennington (17.2) and Destiny Johnson (16.6)’s best seasons, and even ahead of Holly Kersgieter’s sophomore and junior years.

5’11” freshman Hailey Jackson provided much-needed height for a team that was usually outsized, leading the Sandites in both offensive and defensive rebounds, and she was second in blocks.

Coach Berry was able to draw on his entire bench throughout the season, with seventeen players seeing varsity action. Twelve Sandites played in at least ten games this year and everyone played at least six.

As always, the Sandites will get a talented class of incoming freshmen to bolster their ranks. This year’s eighth grade team made it to the semifinals of the Frontier Valley Conference tournament. They will also pick up some height and athleticism from Layne Kirkendoll, who was stuck on the JV team this year due to transfer ineligibility.

No. 11 Varsity Girls (15-8, 8-6)

Games Played
23 Armstead
23 Burris
23 Shrum
23 Jackson
23 Regalado
23 Jordan
23 Cheney
20 Padilla
15 Hampton
11 Harris
10 Morris
10 J. Hughes
9 Walker
8 Day
7 Tanner
6 A. Hughes
6 Brown

Games Started
23 Armstead
23 Burris
23 Shrum
20 Jackson
18 Padilla
5 Regalado
2 Jordan
1 Harris

Season High
31 Armstead
17 Burris
16 Padilla
16 Jackson
15 Jordan
11 Shrum
11 Morris
7 Cheney
7 Hampton
7 Walker
6 Regalado
6 Harris
6 Tanner
5 J. Hughes
5 A. Hughes
4 Brown
2 Day

21 Armstead
3 Burris

4 Jackson
2 Armstead

Season Averages

57.7 TEAM
18.6 Armstead
9.3 Jackson
6.8 Burris
6.4 Padilla
4.6 Morris
3.7 Jordan
3.2 Shrum
2.9 Cheney
2.3 Regalado
1.3 Harris
1.3 Hampton
0.5 J. Hughes


(<10 games played)
1.9 Walker
1.1 Tanner
1.0 Brown
0.8 A. Hughes
0.3 Day

Offensive Rebounds
13.4 TEAM
3.7 Jackson
2.0 Armstead
1.6 Burris
1.3 Jordan
1.3 Regalado
1.2 Morris
0.9 Padilla
0.5 Shrum
0.5 Cheney
0.5 J. Hughes
0.4 Hampton
0.2 Harris


(<10 games played)
0.6 Day
0.5 Brown
0.5 A. Hughes
0.2 Walker
0.1 Tanner

Defensive Rebounds
19.5 TEAM
4.0 Jackson
3.7 Armstead
3.3 Burris
2.2 Padilla
1.3 Regalado
1.2 Morris
1.2 Cheney
1.1 Shrum
1.1 Jordan
0.8 J. Hughes
0.6 Hampton
0.4 Harris


(<10 games played)
0.7 A. Hughes
0.5 Day
0.4 Walker
0.1 Tanner
0.0 Brown

Total Rebounds
32.5 TEAM
7.7 Jackson
5.7 Armstead
5.0 Burris
3.1 Padilla
2.6 Regalado
2.4 Jordan
2.4 Morris
1.7 Cheney
1.6 Shrum
1.3 J. Hughes
1.0 Hampton
0.5 Harris


(<10 games played)
1.2 A. Hughes
1.1 Day
0.7 Walker
0.5 Brown
0.3 Tanner

3.0 Armstead
1.0 Padilla
0.9 Burris
0.7 Jackson
0.6 Shrum
0.4 Regalado
0.3 Morris
0.3 J. Hughes
0.3 Jordan
0.1 Hampton
0.0 Cheney
0.0 Harris


(<10 games played)
0.3 Tanner
0.2 Walker
0.1 Day
0.0 A. Hughes
0.0 Brown

10.1 TEAM
2.7 Armstead
1.5 Padilla
1.4 Burris
1.4 Jackson
0.8 Morris
0.8 Jordan
0.7 Shrum
0.4 Regalado
0.4 Cheney
0.3 J. Hughes
0.1 Hampton
0.0 Harris


(<10 games played)
0.6 Tanner
0.6 Walker
0.3 Brown
0.2 A. Hughes
0.1 Day

2.2 TEAM
0.8 Burris
0.7 Jackson
0.2 Armstead
0.1 Morris
0.1 Jordan
0.1 Padilla
0.1 Regalado
0.0 Cheney
0.0 Shrum
0.0 Hampton
0.0 Harris
0.0 J. Hughes


(<10 games played)
0.2 A. Hughes
0.0 Tanner
0.0 Walker
0.0 Brown
0.0 Day

15.9 TEAM
2.9 Jackson
2.4 Padilla
2.1 Armstead
2.0 Burris
1.8 Jordan
1.7 Shrum
1.3 Morris
0.8 Regalado
0.7 Cheney
0.7 Hampton
0.5 Harris
0.2 J. Hughes


(<10 games played)
0.5 Brown
0.4 Tanner
0.2 A. Hughes
0.2 Walker
0.0 Day

Season Totals

427 Armstead
213 Jackson
156 Burris
128 Padilla
86 Jordan
74 Shrum
67 Cheney
52 Regalado
46 Morris
20 Hampton
17 Walker
14 Harris
8 Tanner
6 Brown
5 J. Hughes
5 A. Hughes
2 Day

Offensive Rebounds
86 Jackson
46 Armstead
37 Burris
31 Jordan
29 Regalado
17 Padilla
12 Shrum
12 Cheney
12 Morris
6 Hampton
5 J. Hughes
5 Day
3 Brown
3 A. Hughes
2 Harris
2 Walker
1 Tanner

Defensive Rebounds
91 Jackson
85 Armstead
77 Burris
44 Padilla
31 Regalado
27 Cheney
25 Shrum
25 Jordan
12 Morris
9 Hampton
8 J. Hughes
4 Harris
4 Walker
4 A. Hughes
4 Day
1 Tanner
0 Brown

Total Rebounds
177 Jackson
131 Armstead
114 Burris
61 Padilla
60 Regalado
56 Jordan
39 Cheney
37 Shrum
24 Morris
15 Hampton
13 J. Hughes
9 Day
7 A. Hughes
6 Harris
6 Walker
3 Brown
2 Tanner

70 Armstead
20 Burris
19 Padilla
15 Jackson
13 Shrum
9 Regalado
6 Jordan
3 Morris
3 J.Hughes
2 Walker
2 Tanner
1 Hampton
1 Day
0 Harris
0 Cheney
0 Brown
0 A. Hughes

63 Armstead
33 Jackson
33 Burris
29 Padilla
18 Jordan
17 Shrum
10 Cheney
10 Regalado
8 Morris
5 Walker
4 Tanner
3 J. Hughes
2 Hampton
2 Brown
1 Day
1 A. Hughes
0 Harris

19 Burris
17 Jackson
5 Armstead
3 Regalado
2 Padilla
2 Jordan
1 Cheney
1 Morris
1 A. Hughes
0 Shrum
0 Harris
0 Hampton
0 Walker
0 Tanner
0 J. Hughes
0 Brown
0 Day

66 Jackson
48 Armstead
48 Padilla
47 Burris
42 Jordan
38 Shrum
19 Regalado
17 Cheney
13 Morris
10 Hampton
5 Harris
3 Tanner
3 Brown
2 Walker
2 J. Hughes
1 A. Hughes
0 Day

Season Shooting Percentages

Field Goals
36.8 TEAM
40.5 Armstead
34.7 Jordan
31.9 Cheney
31.4 Burris
30.5 Padilla
28.9 Morris
27.5 Shrum


(<10 attempts, both ranges)
51.8 Jackson
46.7 Walker
43.8 Hampton
42.9 Tanner
40.0 A. Hughes
33.3 Brown
32.8 Regalado
25.0 Harris
22.2 J. Hughes
11.1 Day

23.1 TEAM
28.0 Armstead
28.0 Cheney
25.9 Morris
24.0 Burris
21.1 Shrum
18.0 Padilla
13.0 Jordan


(<10 attempts)
33.3 J. Hughes
25.0 Harris
25.0 Hampton
16.7 Walker
0.0 Regalado
0.0 Tanner
0.0 Day

44.4 TEAM
51.8 Jackson
50.0 Shrum
45.0 Armstead
42.1 Cheney
41.7 Burris
41.7 Jordan
40.0 Padilla
36.1 Regalado
32.0 Morris


(<10 attempts)
100.0 Hampton
66.7 Walker Walker
60.0 Tanner
40 A. Hughes
33.3 Brown
25.0 Harris
20.0 Day
16.7 J. Hughes

Free Throws
60.5 TEAM
75.0 Cheney
75.0 Morris
66.7 Burris
65.5 Armstead
62.0 Padilla
53.1 Jordan
53.1 Jackson
47.4 Shrum
38.1 Regalado


(<10 attempts)
100.0 Harris
100.0 Hampton
100.0 Brown
100.0 Walker
50.0 Tanner
25.0 A. Hughes
0.0 J. Hughes
0.0 Day

CPHS Basketball: Eric Savage earns 100th win at Sand Springs, surpasses 400 in career

When Eric Savage was hired as Charles Page High School’s new Head Boys Basketball Coach in 2013, he was arguably the most elite hire in the history of the school, fresh off his third State Championship win at Tulsa Memorial. In his twelve seasons at Memorial he led them to four finals appearances and a 305-93 record.

At Sand Springs he had a tough task ahead, inheriting a program that went 1-21 the prior year and hadn’t had a winning season in over a decade. In his first year he took them to eight wins, which was as many as the previous three seasons combined. By year two they were 12-12 with a winning regular season record, and in year three they were 14-10.

After a slight hiccup in 2016-2017 in which they went 12-14, they bounced back with a 19-8 effort the next year and their first State Tournament appearance in 50 years. Last year they went 17-9 overall and 9-5 in the Frontier Valley Conference for the second straight season.

Savage’s Sandites have won two Regional Championships, an Area Consolation Championship, two regular season tournaments, and they’ve gone undefeated four times at the Memorial Invitational festival.

2019-2020 has been a big year for the Sandites, as Savage led his team to wins over No. 6 Union, No. 3 Jenks and No. 2 Booker T. Washington. The Union and Washington wins were his first against those elite programs since he arrived at CPHS. On January 31st he earned his 400th career victory and 95th at Sand Springs in a 64-49 conference win over Bixby.

Last Friday Savage earned his 100th Sand Springs win and 405th overall against No. 11 Broken Arrow, avenging two regular season losses to earn back-to-back Regional titles for the first time in school history.

The Sandites are on pace for a potentially historic season, and the next stop will be at Catoosa High School on Friday when they get a rematch with No. 1 Booker T. Washington (19-5) at 6:30 p.m. in the Area Championship.

A win will advance them to the State Tournament for the second time in three years, and a loss will send them to the Area Consolation Championship where they will take on either No. 13 Putnam City North (14-9) or No. 18 Owasso (12-13) with a State berth on the line. The Consolation finals will also be played at Catoosa, Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Catoosa High School is located at 2000 South Cherokee Street.

CPHS Baseball: Sandites win 8-6 rematch with Edmond Memorial

The Charles Page High School varsity baseball team picked up the first win of the Matt Brown era Tuesday night in Edmond, beating Memorial High School 8-6 to pay back Monday’s 6-3 loss. Both teams are now 1-1 overall and 1-1 in district action.

On Monday the Sandites took 3-0 lead against the Bulldogs before giving up six unanswered runs. They made up for it on the road, scoring five runs in the first inning. Memorial responded with four one-run innings, but the Sandites rallied and outscored the Bulldogs 3-2 in the sixth.

Sand Springs loaded the bases right out of the gate with an error and two walks, then Kiefer Massey tripled to bring in Brycen Peterman, Ty Pennington, and Kaden Young. Massey scored on a ground out from Jacob Shields, then Kaegan Murray hit a sacrifice fly to score Keaton Campbell, who was walked.

Hayden Blair also hit a triple in the first, but was stranded after Jake Coleman was relieved on the mound by Hunter Lenochan, who limited the Sandite offense and only gave up four hits, one run, and two walks with five strikeouts in five innings.

Northeastern State University-committed senior Tatum Watie (1-0) got the start and the win on the mound, throwing four hits, four walks, and five strikeouts in four innings. Two of those singles came in the first inning, and Noah Kang scored on a passed ball to get the Bulldogs on the board.

Aaron Weber hit a triple for Edmond in the second inning and scored on an error at third. Weston Hicks was hit by pitch in the fourth and courtesy runner Major Kerr took third on an error and scored on a wild pitch to make it 5-3.

Pennington drew a walk in the fifth but was put out on a double play, then Massey and Campbell both hit singles, but Massey was caught advancing to home. A walk and an error set up Trace Evans for a sacrifice fly that scored Peyton Medeiros.

The Sandites got back to scoring in the sixth. Murray singled and Gabe Glenn walked, prompting Memorial to change pitchers once again. Evans took over on the mound and gave up a single to Peterman, but Murray was caught advancing to home. Pennington drew another walk, and Ethan Sartin came up with a clutch 3RBI double.

Memorial also rallied in the sixth with their most productive inning. Watie threw two strikeouts, but also hit two batters with the pitch and gave up a 2RBI single to Lenochan. Sebastian Cassidy (0-1, 4-4) took over and ended the inning with a strikeout. Cassidy threw one walk and three strikeouts in the bottom of the seventh to save the game.

Sandite baseball will return to action Friday at 6:00 p.m. with a non-district home game against Shawnee (2-0). Edmond Memorial will will host Westmoore Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in the Jaguars’ season opener.

CPHS Baseball: Sandites drop season opener 6-3 to Edmond Memorial

The Charles Page High School baseball team jumped out to a 3-0 lead after the first two innings of their season opener against Edmond Memorial, but the Bulldogs tied it up in the third and scored three more runs in the top of the seventh for the 6-3 comeback district win.

The game was fairly evenly matched. Sand Springs had seven hits to Edmond’s six. The Sandites benefited from nine walks, but gave up eight. Both teams committed three errors.

Jaxon Skaggs (0-0, 3-2) got the start on the mound and tossed five hits, eight strikeouts, and five walks in six innings. He gave up two walks and a single in the first inning to load the bases, but Jacob Shields caught a line drive to right field to save the inning.

Brycen Peterman hit a leadoff single for the Sandites, and Keaton Campbell brought in Peterman and Gabe Glenn on a double. Shields hit a double in the second inning and scored the Sandites’ final run on an error.

Edmond scored three runs on three walks and three singles in the third. The Sandites had zero difficulty in getting on base, but couldn’t get anyone back home. They stranded two in the third, three in the fourth, two in the fifth, and one in the sixth. Skaggs was extremely productive on the mound, striking out the side in the fifth.

Sebastian Cassidy (0-1, 4-4) took over in the seventh inning and received the loss, throwing one hit, two strikeouts, and three walks. An error from Peterman and three straight walks gave the Bulldogs the lead, and Aaron Weber hit a 2RBI single for the final runs of the game.

Cassity finished strong with back-to-back strikeouts to end the inning, but Noah Kang tossed three strikeouts in the bottom of the inning, stranding Kaegan Murray and Shields, who were walked.

The Sandites will travel to Edmond Memorial Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. for a rematch. The Bulldog baseball field is located at 1001 South Rankin Street in Edmond.